God is sovereign.  He is foremost in power and authority.  By Him and for Him all things exist.


If “so” is your response to this statement, I suggest to you that you have a wonderful surprise awaiting you.  God affords mankind awareness that stretches beyond the immediate circumstances to the arena of spiritual matters and destinies.  A knowledge of the sovereignty of God will assure you the privilege of “S.O.”

The “S” stands for surrender or submission.    The Cambridge Dictionary defines “surrender” as “the act of stopping fighting and officially admitting defeat.”  Likewise, “submission” is defined as “the act of allowing someone or something to have power over you.”  For clarity’s sake, let’s consider the facts:  1) sinful man is at odds with God and resists Him at every turn; 2) perceived power/authority is just that—perception (an opinion based on how things seem).  The truth of the matter is we are fighting a war we have already lost in a power struggle wherein we are bested.

Man, woman, child would be wise to surrender to God’s authority and submit to His oversight over their lives.  Without this “S” there is no hope of eternal life, abundant life, or meaningful life.  Surrendering and submitting insures goodwill and guidance.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The “O” stands for obedience.  “Obedience” is “compliance with an order or request.”  Given that surrender and submission has already been introduced in the conversation, compliance with an order or request may be willing or unwilling.  Willing obedience understands that the sovereign God loves and wants what is best, right, proper and timely.  Unwilling obedience questions the motives and intentions of the Sovereign One.

“He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but he wrath of God abides on him.” (John 3:36).


Your wonderful surprise comes in surrendering to an omnipotent, omniscient, loving God by submitting to His leadership through willing compliance.  Are you ready to do that today?  What do you stand to gain if you do:  salvation through faith in the resurrected Jesus Christ.